Edition@ Interactive@ Serves Still@ HBAM2001MAY84 GUIDE.FM:* 1930-1994 1975-94 1980-1990 386cd Afraid Airplane Aladdin Alice's Alive Alone America Americans Ancient Angels Animals Another Anti-static Apocalypse Armored Artists 7/26/95 CATEGORY CONTACT DESCRIPTION ISSUE MOVIE NO. RECORDS BEING BROWSED 6/21/95 CATEGORY CONTACT DESCRIPTION ISSUE MOVIE NO. RECORDS BEING BROWSED 6/21/95 CATEGORY CONTACT DESCRIPTION ISSUE MOVIE NO. RECORDS BEING BROWSED PLATFORM PRICE PRICE 2 PRICE FIND OPTIONS PRICE INFO PRICE INFO 2 PRICE SEARCH OPTIONS PRINT RATING SCROLL BACK SCROLL FORWARD SEARCH TITLE VIEW BY LIST VIEW BY RECORD VOLUME TitleB DescriptionB PriceB Price InfoB Price 2B Price Info 2B ContactB PlatformB VideoCD CategoryB AdReference Comedy Digital Movies Games History Languages Literature Music Sciences Young Children MovieB VolumeB IssueB PageB RatingB No. Records Being BrowsedB Price Search OptionsB GUIDE.FM(1) A0Under Under Under Under Over Scroll BackB Scroll ForwardB SearchB View by ListB PrintB QUITB View by RecordB FindB Price Find OptionsB If (Price = "";""; If (Price < 20.01; "Under 20"; If (Price < 30.01; "Under 30"; If (Price < 40.01; "Under 40"; If (Price < 50.01; "Under 50"; If (Price > 50.00; "Over 50";" Check")))))) ' Under ' Under ' Under ' Under Over Check lPATH CDROMAG3:THE GUIDE:GUIDE NEW BC Guide new CDROMAG3 BC Guide new FMPRFMPR The Guide CDROMAG3:The Guide:Guide new 660AV CDROMAG3 660AV CDROMAG3\A CDROMAG3 BC Guide new FMPRFMPR The Guide CDROMAG3:The Guide:Guide new 660AV CDROMAG3 660AV CDROMAG3\C :GUIDE NEW lPATH alis ISSI NOHO:THE GUIDE:GUIDE.FM GUIDE.FM Issi NoHo GUIDE.FM %FMPRFMPR The Guide Issi NoHo:The Guide:GUIDE.FM Issi NoHo Issi NoHo Isobel Pring . Issi NoHo Issi NoHo GUIDE.FM %FMPRFMPR The Guide Issi NoHo:The Guide:GUIDE.FM Issi NoHo Issi NoHo Isobel Pring . Issi NoHo A :GUIDE.FM 2G.J/ A Main Menu Main Screen Title List Credits A Main MenuB Main ScreenB Price Contact Platform Category Reviewed in CD-ROM Magazine Issue Rating Scroll Back Scroll Forward Search View by List Print FindB Price Contact Platform Category Review Rating Title Scroll Back Title ListB Records Found: Print View by Record Records Found: Print View by Record CreditsB A Do Prices Set up find Peform find Entertainment Find All &R A/H- -k9l%q &R A/H- ReadersF Do Prices Set up find Peform find Find All Yesf@ Helvetica Geneva Arial Times PRN Geneva MyriaMM_565 SB 300 CN MyriaMM_400 RG 300 CN UUUUUU }~//A ?}~/oK F1F1R JRF1JSV F1F1NsZ F2F1FR JR NsNsR RsNsJRJR JRJRNsR NsJRF1B F1JRR F1Rsc NsNsV NsJRB 1JRJRNsV NsF1= F1JRR NsJRFR F1 JRJRNsR F1F1B0B F1F1JRR NsNsJRF1B F1JsNs 1JRNsN NsF1= F1NsR NsJRNsR FRNsV NtNsR NtNsR JRF1B NsJRF1B JRF1B F1NsV JsF1B0B F1NrZ NsJRB JRB0= RtNsJR= NsJRF1B NsF1B F1NsB B0F1NsF1B F1F1B F1JRJRNRJRJRF1F1B F1B1B 1F1JRV NtJSF1B F1JRNsNsR sNsJRFRF1B F1NsR NsJRF1B JRNsR NsJRF1> NsF1= F1NsR NsJRF1B NsJRF1= NsF1= NsF1= NsF1= NsF19 NsF1= NsF1= NsF15 NsF19 Adventures Asimov's@ Atlas@ Barron's Black@ Computing Descent@ Domingo@ Enhanced@ Fatty@ Finder@ Gameshow@ Goldfinger@ Hi-octane@ Horse Interactivek Japanese@ Killer@ Library@ Love@ Mankind@ Missing@ Nature@ -year-olds@ 1300@ 146.88@ 179.78@ 1933@ 1965@ 246333 297797@ 33mhz JRF1B NsF1= NsNsJRJRF1B NsJRF1= NsF1B F1NtZ JRJRFQ JRNsR FQFRFQFQJRJQ JRNsR 1JRNs F1JrNs NsF19 NsB19 JRB0= NsF19 NsF1B JRNsR NsJRF1B NsJRB1= NsF19 NsJRB F1F1B F1NsZ NsF1= F0F1B NsF1B F1F1B JSB0= JRF1= F1F2F2F1B NsF1= NsJRB JRF1B F1JRNs NsF1B F1JRNsR NsF1B NsF1B JSF1F1JRNs JRF1F1JRR JRF1F1JRR NsFQB F1JSR NsJRF1B F1JRNrR NsF1B 0JRNsR NsJRJRNsR JRF1F1JRR JSF1= F1JRR JSJRJRNsV NrF1B F1NsV NsJRF1F1B F1JRNsR NsNsJRF1F1 F1F1JRJRNsNsR NsF1B F1JRNtV NsF1B0B F1JRNsR NsJRF1B1B B1F1JRNsR NsNsNtR NsNsR NsNsR UUUUUU UUUUUU UUUUUU UUUUUU UUUUUU UUUUUU [UWU_ UUUUUU UUUUUU UUUUUU =/=/. n/>.>? n/>.> ?T}>/ ./>.> ./>.>/ Facts Grammy Awards Grammys Groove Thing Haldeman Diaries October Krays Labyrinth 100 Years Of Motoring A collector s edition that performs more like a Ford Escort than a Ferrari The motorcar must surely rank alongside the computer as the greatest invention of the 20th Century. Sure, we ve gone to war over our o il supplies, we re chopping down trees so we can cover our fields with tarmac and none of us can breathe properly anymore, but hey! How else would you get the kids to school in the morning? This disc was made as a desktop journey through the National Motor Museum at Beaulieu (where they re probably about as obsessed with cars as you ever can be) which holds models and related memorabilia from the time Karl Benz fi rst got bored with walking all the way to the supermarket. There are two ways to navigate around the disc: by means of the Driving Seat, where different parts of a car dashboard will take you to different areas of the disc, or by means of a signpost listing the four sections Driving Seat, Workshop, Museum Library, Car Exhibit and Exit. The car also has a radio that you can tune to some clips of music from some slig htly dodgy re-recordings of car-related tunes such as the theme from Taxi, Carwash, and (for some reason) Riders on the Storm Wherever you are in the disc you can take a detour by clicking on the signpost in the bottom left-hand corne. This will allow you to leap to one of the four sections or exit. The option does, however, have one very big problem: interactive pages can be accessed from different parts of the d isc (as a form of cross-referencing) but once you have made a detour you will have to do a lot of clicking to get back to where you were. This is not only irritating, it makes it very difficult to build up any idea of the overall arrangement of the information on the CD-ROM. Another disappointing aspect is the poor playback quality of the movies. Taking a look at the files themselves, it seems that some of the movie s have been set to play back in expanded windows when accessed from within the environment. This means that they are both jumpy and very pixellated to the point where some areas of a similar colour just merge together. There is a problem with the depth of information as well. In the Effects of Motorcars section, for example, I expected a couple of short movies explaining how the world had changed for better or wors e as a result of this remarkable machine, but all that s offered are sentences such as Population movement to suburbs, and Automobile industry the lifeblood of many other major industries. The sub-section o n the pursuit of the Land Speed Record also has no moving footage of any of the land speed record attempts. Considering the amount of time we ve waited for this disc, this is a disappointing product, and at s an expensive disappointment. The potential for an excellent motorcar-based CD-ROM is still, very definitely, there, but unfortunately this is not the disc to fulfil that promise. Michael Hayes 100 YearO s Of Motoring Price 49.95 (inc VAT) Contact Koch Media 01252 714340 Category Reference/Entertainment Platform MAC MPC CD-i 3DO 49.95G Koch Media 01252 714340H MacI ReferenceJ 2R Under 50[ Under JsJSR RuJSNuR JtJSR FRJtV NtJRN JsNtV ^Q^rb ^r^q^qf RV/brj ZP^QZ0ZPZr^rV0N PR/V0Zrg VTN2Vt-l SZt-K 8b4a4A0b0c4a, ^PZ0^Q{y 4A4A8A 8b8b8 4b4A4@8A8b4 8b8b4 8A4b4 4b8a4 b<>11 /VrRqVrZ RQN0N/F J/RPRQV RqRqRQVr^rN rRQN0n J/J/JQVrV VrVqV QVQwy J/RqNQRqb NsNsNtNrNr JRNsNrNsNsNrNrJRNrNrNq NSNsNrNsNrNrNsNsNrNrNS JRJRNrNsNrNRJsNrNQNrNrNRNQRqR u>u>4b rN/wW 464Bv J0NN1 4bZ0Q QVr5j V/^rV0E ARPNr9 qbr1j 0VqFON NsF/5 *H*(NO9 NVJ5= q^PIi NPJ1F NQNQZ 4b8bQ NRN1J1A 4b0b^ F0Rq^ RrRQb NPN0) E"G.IoX qZqZrk k.i&h"f*H D*Hg5 NQJRB #6j.i&h 4b4AQj a>*H"f *h.h2i2i"() 4b4bZ Qn1w7 rprrr frfqe rVsJ1 jPnrn sNQNQ&g&Gb jqj/s nrnQr rPnPrrnPjPn C&HFo^ n0nPj jqf/e n/jqd &g&gJ NqNP^ *h.i> *i*H"G> 6*NpJ 6k2J*H6k: 2j2j"G jqf/o "F&G&H.)6k jrjrn F*H"G&H RlRm^ jqfPe j/rqd $.h"F"f 0RqR1^ n/X 5( dJO6Jg6 D&H6k>L.h 1nrj0s8 rRmJLA 0n/wy ZrN/N09VrRP= B0aQI ZsZQw rrnqdbd jQj.i RrJQB NrJ2sY jQj/wx 4b8b4 ,B,B, 9 VqVQZ qNPw5 8b4A8bMi 0c4aQj N0NP9 4A4AIi F/NQ9 0J01j RPN0A N2NR^ RrNqF 0Rr)Q 0b0b0c, 4b4b4 NQJ0RR^ sNQRQ{ J0Vsk6 1J0)L ZQVrVQN0RQb RJ2-K 0F1B21 0B1B19 NSJ2Vt= JtJSJRFSFSJSJsJSN NsJtNtJsJSJsJtNsFRJsJtJSJsNtNtNsFSJsFRFRJsJSJSF2JSJsJSJsJtJtJSJSJtNt5 RRRNQF VqRpV/RPRPVQR0VOR/R0R1ROV/R /R/RPVPV/R/RPVPV/R0RPRPR/ROROR/V/V/R RPR/ROVNV/ROROR.R0R/V/R/V.VOR R.VnR.R.V/R.R.V R.V/ROVNV.R.R-RNR.N.R R/V/N V.R/N R.R.R V.N.R.V V.R.R VqVQV0RPVPV1ROVPRoVpRPVO RPMVPRPVPVpROROVOV0R/RoVPV/VPROVQVOV/ROV/R0VOR0RORPVOV0ROVP ROVORPV0RPVOVOV/ROV/RNR/V/VNV/N/V/R/R.R/V/R/R/R.V/V/R.VORNR/V/R-VOR R/V.V.R RNN/V.R/R.VMV.VMR/V/R.V. ^q^q^ Zp^q^ ^p^q^ ^q^p^p^q^ Zq^p^ Young Oracle Orange Oratorio Orbit Orbital Orbiting Orbits Orchestra Orchestral Orchestras Orchestrated Orchestration Ordeal Order Originality Originally Originals Originated Origins Clips Cloning Clore Close Close-up Close-ups Closed Closely Closer Closest Closing Clothing Cloud Cloudbusting Clown Clownish Clowns Cloying Clubs Interactive Interested Desktop Desmond Despair perate Desperately Despicable Despised Despite Despotic Dessert Destination Destinations Destined Destroy Destroyed Destroyer Destroying Destruct Destruction Destructive Detachment Sub-section Sub-sections Sub-space Sub-standard Sub-teenage Sub-text Sub-titles Sub-titling Sub-topic Sub-topics Sub-worlds Subdivided Subdivides Subdued Subheading Subsequently Subsides Subsidise Substance Substantial Substantially Substitute Substituted Substructure Subterranean Subtle Subtlety Subtopic Subtopics Subtracting Suburban Explaining Explains Explanations Expletives Explode Exploded Explodes Exploding Exploit Exploitation Exploited Exploits Explora Explorable Explorapedia Exploration Exploratory Explore InteractiveA Interesting@ Interface Interpret@ Interpretations Intervention@ Interviews Introduction Invaluable@ Invention@ Inventory@ Invisible@ Involving Irritated@ Issue@ Italy Japanese Jealousy Jean@ Jetpacks@ Jewel@ Jocular@ Johnson@ Journals Under 2 Unlimited: Beyond Limits Yo! Respect due, Philips! Its latest musical offering on the CD-i front means it laters to old-timers like Bowie and Pink Floyd, with a massive shout going out to the 2 Unlimited. For those not enough to know it, 2 Unlimited are Ray and Anita, a Dutch techno (their description, not mine) pop group, whose debut No Limits album has sold by the clog-load all over the world. Beyond Limits is an in teractive guide to the band and its hits. Ray and Anita themselves pop up to explain the disc s features: you get to choose which live, promo video or audio track to play, when to fast forward, when to rewind o r, preferably, when to stop it altogether. Nothing radically new there, then. The pep talk over, you are left to click away and explore the phenomenon that is 2 Unlimited. This assignment, however, is impossibl e, as the disc is not so much 2 Unlimited, but too limited mainly due to the lack of material the group has produced in its short career (and the fact that the songs they have released are indistinguishable to an untrained ear). As a result, their painfully repetitive are painfully repeated, either as audio-only tracks, or videos, or via two minimalist and uninteresting live performances. Even the usually interesting behind-the-scenes footage was far too short and very tedious (despite a cameo appearance from current student fave, Rolf Harris). The one plus point is that the encoding is very good. However, thi s does not make up for the lack of content, or the fact that 2 Unlimited are simply another well marketed, good looking pop group , whose music is targeted determinedly towards more youthful ears. Even the mos t dedicated of fans would be hard-pushed to justify buying this disc. At 19.99, this is a definite no, no, no, no, no. Marcy Marc Steward 2 Unlimited: Beyond limits Special Requirements DV cart for CD- Price 19.99 (inc. VAT) Contact Philips 0171 911 3000 Platform MAC MPC CD-i 3DO Encoding Very Good Track List No Limits, Tribal Dance, Faces, Maximum Overdrive, Let The Beat Control Your Body, Workaholic, TwK7ilight Zone, Magic Friend, Get Ready, The Real Thing 19.99G Philips Media 0171 911 3000H CD-iI Music 2R Under FRFt[9 ZiZ'j Z+Z+bkn 'jifHj bGjiniQ Gfgjhb'E R6N6= hfhfhQ fibHM bHfhn 'fGjHrjz b'Z&V Z&^&b'jHniv bGZ&Z ^wV6= BV.nN (V(V(Z)bIfjbibi^HR fIjjM iV(=e F0J15 rgrgn rhrhn rhrhv nHrhv nijiV j'rhnhjh^* 'jh^I rinirjr rinifH^'Y jHriv nibHU &nGviz bJ1F j'nHv 0NQNQ^ vIzjz RrNQc ZoJNJlJKN,F JMJ-J+B PB/[6 !J.o3 F)JgJ(9H ^rZP^/ZOn JQB0F1V NvDmb /F0F1B F1F1> e e d F0F/= [ Under 3-D Dinosaur Adventure Similar in essence to Microsoft s Dinosaurs, Knowledge Adventure s 3-D Dinosaur Adventure is aimed particularly at younger dino fans, though it is equally appealing to adults with a sense of humour. It is more Respect Respectability Respectable Respected Respectfully Respective Respects Respiration Resplendent Respond Responded Responding Response ement Restaurant Restaurants Restless Restore Restored Restoring Restrict Restricted Restriction Restrictions Result Bowie Bowie's Bowling Bowls Bowser Bowser's Boxer Boxers Boxes Boxing Boyle Bozzo Braben Braces Bracket Bradley Bradshaw's Beyond Biggest Biker Bikinis Billowing Billy Bioforge Bioforge's Biography Biogs Biological Biomes Birth Bishops Bitmapped Bizarre Bizarrely Bizarrely-adapted Black Blacked Blackpool Blacks Blade Blaring Blaster Blasters Blasting Blasts Bleary-eyed Blend Blender Blind Trees Trek's Trek-esque Trekkers Trekkiness Trekkyness Trekspert Trembling Tremendous Trench Tricks Tricky Tried Tries Triggered Triggers Trimmings Triplane Triplanes Trips Triumph Trivia Trivial Trivialising Troll Trolls Trooper Trooper's Assignment Assimilate Assist Assistance Assistant Assistants Assisted Associate Associated Associating Association Assorted Assortment Assume Assured Asteroid Asteroids Asthma Asthmatic Aston Astonishing Astonishingly Astray Astrion Performs Perfunctory Perhaps Perignon Peril Perilous Perils Period Period-piece Periodically Periods Perished Perkin Perkins Perky Permanent Permanently Permed Permitting Peroxide Perpetuation Perplexing Looking Loons Loops Loosely Lopez Lords Lore's Lorme's Lorne Loser Losers Loses Losing Hard-pushed Hard-to-spot Hardball Hardcastle Hardcore Hardened Harder Hardest Hardiest Hardly Hardman Hardware Hardy Harker Harking Harlem Harlem's Harmless of an edutainment program/learning aid than a reference guide, and as such has fewer still images and more animated clips and quiz features. On the main menu, the biggest window is the entrance to the Dinosaur Park click and the doors open and you can enter the park by moving forward with the mouse. Without the manual, it takes a while to figure out what you re supposed to be doing when you first launch the program , and the mouse control is awkward at times (though you can alter its sensitivity). Once inside the park you can choose to enter one of three time periods: Triassic Tour, Jurassic Jungle or Cretaceous Corner. Alternatively, you can go straight to the Dinosaur Reference section. Travelling through the theme park you can explore different paths and engage in any number of dinosaur-related activities. Activities range from Dinosaur Safari, where you identify the dinosaur from the clues given, to Save The Dinos, where you must save 15 dinosaurs from three different time periods before a comet hits Earth. Once you get bored of the animated sequence to enter the park (and believe me you will) you can take a shortcut and bypass it by clicking above the icons. All the activities teach you about dinosaurs what they looked like, where they lived in a interesting and often amusing way. Your reward for completing a quiz is a cartoon animation of dinosaurs essential in maintaining a child s attention. Fancy a film? 3-D Dinosaurs has 20 seq uences to choose from, all with accompanying soundtracks. Though the animation is not always quite as good as in Microsoft Dinosaurs, there is much more of it, and the sound effects add real atmosphere. Tyranno saurus Coming To Life is superb, as is the Dinosaur Battle. So what about the 3D effects? After all, it is called 3-D Dinosaur. When you launch the program, the opening movie featuring a charging dinosaur is in 3D, as are many of the images in the Dinosaur Encyclopedia, but if you really want to see these effects at their best, visit the disc s 3-D museum, where the dinosaurs really do appear to jump out at you from every angle. There are so many different facets to this package that it is impossible to go into every detail. Suffice it to say that Knowledge Adventure has used multimedia to its full advantage the program is fast, fun and packed with information. 3D Dinosaur Adventure Reviewed on MPC Price 44.95 Contact Guildsoft 01752 895100 Category Reference/Entertainment/ Education Platform MAC MPC CD-i 3DO 44.95G Guildsoft 01752 895100H Young ChildrenJ 4.5R Under 50[ Under 3D Atlas ,!HBHb8B8BDB( $ADbLcHB` 8!`al 4!\bl dad`d`d@d@d`hah d`dAdad d`h d hch \@pal d`d@hal 4 \`lahadad F2Nu%K D!`@h@h@d !$C0ByJxJwJuJSJtVta d d d :XBxJw NvNuJtN1U h dA`AdAd@d daiH dah@mI d h@d :7:7BWJxNwJ b`@`a`BdBdad@d@e dad`h ad d@d@d`h Ta\`\ `bdbdad@d@i h dAdbdAd@p bTBXA\a\ `bdAd d dAd dad h X!\B\b`b`bdAd d d BVZ4q dad haqk A\ \@\a\b`bdbdAd d h >U:5Vtr dbd@d@m c` ` X `bdAd d h >4Vte cd@dadbdah l dAd@`A\b\b` `b`A\ ` h h lbh dbdAh`l d@d@dadbd hAm PBTAh `B`B`b` db`A\!` h `@hAhbd dAd h ad@dAdBd@d i `b`bd \b\B\!\!d h TA\AdAdbd dbd haq ad d!dbdAd `b`adb`b\b \B\B`A`@d h H@P XAdAh dbd@dAi) d@dBd!d dbij dA`BdBdB\B\BXb`a``d@hcm D D@Pa`ah dbdbdadad@d@h d dbdAd@dad dah@`B`b` \bXbXb`a`ad hci H HAL@X dbdBdAd d`d@h ` d@h dad@`@` had@d@h`d``A` d `A\@\@\ \@X@`@d@d L PAPaX hadAdBdbd`d@d \ ``d dadA` d l`h@d`hal \cXCXAX@ \@\@`@d ` bP TbX da`a\ad dad@dAi( T Xa\ `b`A` d )4 `al \b\ Xba had@d@h P@T@\ \b\A\ `bi @X \a`a`aXa\a`adad dad@d@h AT XaX XaX \be PcPcHc8 ` \@\@`Ad@dAdAd@d h BT TaX X@Xb]k RUZuY `b\a\Ba \B\!\!` ` ` BP@PaX XaX@XAY* b\ T LB@ 4#,#,#,d8 \b\!\ AL@LaP XaX@X!Y 0",#( ,!,A8!HATbTATa]) fsf2j AP@LaP XaX@X Y 0#,",B,B0!4!@ P X@X bRb2a ZSVtNtR aP L@LaT@T P X 8#0!0!4b4B4"< H!TATbT TA] bH H L! 8"4B8AxBWFxJ WB5M+ 0!, B 0A0!8!<"8"< aL @A<@< < Y>y>8>8FyN T XAXa BuFVV D < 8B< >{>y>Y>ZF X X \ \ \@`@@ ` `A] 7>Y:7:X>yF DBP!XAT!TATA L ` \ NwRwRwR RuRTRSR1Q TNvN5R5E ^t^tM ,A4e0 @c@c@dDdDdHcLcPcPcLcPcLcHBHBLBLBL!LcUk !yB AX PA,a !0B8" $A4A4 8 8@8A8!8 D D P!P"PATbXbTaP@P P 7>[>9: AX HA B A(A4B " ,a8A8A4a8b8!8 @"@#<"6FxB cT H!," C !(A0A,b,B0"0"4 DADADBH"H L"PAT P P 0A0b,A(A,!0!4"8"8 D!D"D"DB (b0b0a 0A4"8 @"@"@ H!PALBL"L!L 0a0A0B4"8"8 H!PAPAH"H!L "8"H"D#$" ,A4b0b0b0a0a 0!4"0"0"< H"DBDBL!T 0a0@(@(@( 0A0A0B4"8#< A4A4A,A,A0A,A,A(B(A,B0`0A4"<#< 4 @ 4!( ,!,d4 $A,`4A4B8#8 (A,B0B8#@"H "4CH#<#4 !$b,A4"@"H !8"@ !,D@BH PbYl P d!hbd NSNSF h l@h@h@dAX L lal XbTbDA RtF3)l $APbp P!p@l \ X@X@\@PA$ VQVSF ALApbl LAl`l \ X@\@``Pa$A r1vQnQnRf !HBlal !@Bdbhb\BXB\b\ !@B\A\ATAXB\b\ < d@lal`d@` \ T!L D AHb`A\ \A`Bdb\ 0 \@l@l@d@`@\@T@PA@ Tbhbdb`bhbha` (APbd lbdBhal haTA , PA`ah hbhAdbX 4 \ap hbTA `ahah hBdb`bX @Adbp hbLA dBd@d dA`b\ P@lal hal@d ALalal ( TAl h@dah l`hA@! hAh`d h@`@Db A , `@pah < h@p`had had`d ` \APb(A Adventure Adverts Advice Advise Advised Advisedly Advising Aerial Aerobatics Aeroplane Aeroplanes Aesthetic Affair Affairs Affect Affected Affection Afford Afield Aforementioned Afraid Africa African Quizzed Quizzes Qumran Quotations Quote Quoted Quotes Quotient R-type Rabbis Rabbit Rabbit's Rabbit-like Rabbit-napping Rabbits Rabbitte Rabble-rousing Rabibunnies Racer Racers Races Radar Radially Window Window-dressing Windowing Windows Winner Winning Winsome Winter Winter's Wintry Wipe-clean Wipes Wired Window Windows Wing@ Wipers@ Wired Wiseman@ Workers@ World Worn@ Wrong Years You're You'veY Young Ziggy 49.95 240050 303322 821666@ 9924@ Acclaim Distribution@ InterplayU Entrance Entrancing Entrant Entrants Entree Entries Essential Essentials Ethan Europress Eurostar Event Every Everything Ewing Exact Exactly Examining Example Excellent Exception Exciting Exercising Exhausted Exhibit Exist Expanded Expect Expected Multimedia geography snuggles up to spy satellite photography to take you round the world in 80 fascinating ways s get straight to the point: 3D Atlas is the kind of thing computer advertisers like to show being used by open-mouthed children, when they want to reassure parents that computer software isn t entirely composed of full-frontal nude shoot- em-ups. And deservedly so, because the computer generated 3D g lobes present on this disc knock the spinning tin variety into a cocked hat. The globes are created using images derived from computer-enhanced satellite photography, and there are many ways to navigate around them. Click the cursor anywhere outside a globe, and it rotates it in that direction; to search for a country, use the scrollable menu bar and the globe rotates to the centre of the country you want. Type a na me in the entry field or click on the surface of the globe and a country is selected, with written information and postcard photographs of local people, landscapes and architecture provided for each country y ou access. Drop-down menus allow you to switch between environmental, physical and political globes; and under other globes you can also view a hydrospheric globe, tectonic plates, the earth by night, contine ntal drifts and others. Phew! Globes can also show cities, ocean depths, mountain ranges and any number of other features, each of which are accompanied by a short narration. Among the drop-down menus you ll fi nd snazzy multimedia options: 3D Flights has you speeding about above a tract of land, using a combination of satellite and infra-red imaging to reveal geological make-up, while a concise commentary tells you all about it. Biomes (temperate grassland, savannah, rainforest, etc.) can be flown over, accompanied by narration, then a map shows its global distribution. There are also zoomable satellite photographs of ci ties around the world. Best, though, is the Russian spy satellite photo of London, where you can practically peek through the bathroom window of Buckingham Palace. Stories contains some depressing tales such as species extinction and habitat loss, pollution, overfishing, and the use and effects of nuclear power. The Timelapse presentations show developments of anything from the reduction in size of the Aral Sea ov er 20 years, to the aerial dispersal of debris following the eruption of Mt Pinatubo. The Statistics section is huge, covering agriculture, the economy, energy and the environment. All statistics include a tim eline from 1970-1991 for comparisons, and results can be displayed on a global chart, a line chart, a ranking table or a scatter (pie) chart. I was proud to see that the UK ranks consistently high for everythin g from CFC to CO2 emissions. There s even a geographical trivia quiz: up to three players (or teams) can take part, you get air miles for correctly answering questions. 3D Atlas is beautifully put together. I t informs in an eyecatching and entertaining way and it s only 40. What more could you want? Now, where did I leave those open-mouthed children Patrick McCarthy 3D Atlas Price 39.99 (inc VAT) Contact ElectPPronic Arts 01753 549442 Category Reference/Education Platform MAC MPC CD-i 3DO 39.99D approx Electronic Arts 01753 549442H Reference 5R Under 40[ Under A.D.A.M. Comprehensive Delve into the depths of human anatomy with this comprehensive multimedia medical guide Any product with the word dissection in the title sparks my interest even before I ve got the cellophane off the box (I sSNs> BQF1C VQZrV :1:2BRJRB1>2>2: J1RsVsV0V ZQVrVrZRV VsRrNQRrRrNRV F1NsNsJ2F NsF1V p~JQR JrFQB ^sZRR SBSFtBsN JtBsBt:R2 ^r^Q^r^ VrZsZ ^s^P^P^Q^r^ NSN3RtNsJRRs^ JrFQ9 ^RZQZRV VsZrAJ 612R:SFsFsJ BsBR:R:RV J1RsZ ZQZRZ ZsVs^ ^r^0^ NsNSJ2Rt^ ubFqFQ= /JrB0> RrZR^sVrZr^sZ/M B22222FtJ Ft62J R1J1Z 1RRNRF 1NRNRJ2RRZ ZqZR^ br^sZ ZsVsZ F1F1V rF1B0JrB0NsFQ> JrF1Z R1R0ZrV NRNQVr= 6s2R>SN BRFsZ NRRrF1E 1RRVsRsNRF1= 1NQJQFPF0RRVsN1J1RsV Zt^S^ F1F1JRR jrFQB0JrB09 BQB0R RrNRJQ :S:R>sN RrRrNQF0F0= RRNQE RsVsVsNRRsRsNsF1J0RRRSRsRsNRJRR F1JR^ 1NsJRF1B cXJrB0FQFrFQ= F1FqJR^ RsVsV FtFtR RQVsVsJQF0VQNQE RRRRVS^ ZsNRR NRNRNsNsRsZ sJRF1JRB F1F1Z RrZr^ QF1NsZ N1N1J1VrV VrVQVrVrJ/FQNsRRRRRsR VsVsV /Ns)J JRF1c JRJR^ JrF1> B0NsQ VPVqVr^ VsRRB J1RRV BR211 NSVsZ RRVPN0JQRrVrNQJ0Rr NsNsV F1Nsg9 MXNsJQNrJQF1B1> FQF1R F1F1JRJRNsV NsNs:22 616R2S NRNRV RrR1N0J0J/N0NQRRVsVsV F1Nsc NsF1B F1NrNsF1F1FQB0F1R RsNRF1B JRF1JRF1B F1NRJ1R NsJsFRB11 RSVsVsR J0RsNRRQVsV RsRQZ JRNrV VrRrNsJRF F1F1F RF1JRJRV NsNsFSFSJsJsFRBSBR:2>S>sR J1J1V N2N1RsR /JPRrVs RJR)J VQVr^ J1 NRJRF1F1JRJRNRNrNsR BR>RFtR JRFSN NtJSFRBRV NsRsV NRJ1NRZ RSRRNRRs NRJ0NQRrRrVs JRNsV F1F1JR b@>pN RsJRNsRsV NsNsR NsNRF1NsJRJ1NRNsNsR BRBRFsJ JRJRR RsRrRSRsV RsRSRS RsRRRrRrRtR NsNsR NsNsJRJRF1JRF1F1B F1F1B T :OBPV NRJ1V NsRsJ1JRNsNRNsNs NSFSBRN NQNQRrV F1JRJRB JRF1F1B JRJRB >PBQJrV RsJRNsZ RsRsR RSRsV JrBQ6/NsNsB F0F1FQF NsNsR JRNsV VsJRR g&6N6O:PFPR RsNRJQFPJ1VQZs^ RsRsV JRNsV F1Nsc JRF15 :/:.>.:/J NrJrNqJRJQJ1VsZ RsNsR JRJRV JRF1^ RsNrA sF1F1^ NsF1Ns! 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Aimed specifically at students of Medicine and Life Sciences (and more particularly thei r tutors) this is not for the novice user, nor the faint hearted. Though comprehensive and sophisticated in content, it is easy to use and simple to understand. Open A.D.A.M. and you are confronted with three w indows: Primary, Library and Structure List. The Primary Window displays a full view of the human cadaver A.D.A.M. (or E.V.E. if you ve selected a woman s body) ready for dissection and exploration. On selectin g Full Anatomy you can descend through the layers of the body from skin to muscle to bones and internal organs using the Structure List and Depth Bar. Dissection through any structure is done with the Box Cut T ool or Scalpel Tool (the latter accessed via the sinister sounding Operating Room). If you decide to study a System Anatomy, the image displays the selected system only and dims the rest of the anatomy. You ca n explore in this mode by means of Zoom, Identify and Isolate Tools. Meanwhile, in the Operating Room, you can slice, cauterise, suture and swab to your heart s content without any risk to the patient. The Str ucture List can be sorted alphabetically or by anatomical layers and you can constrain the display to only show the viewable structures in the Primary Window. Locate any structure using the Search List and disp lay it in the Primary Window, and if you re not sure of the pronunciation there is audio assistance on hand, albeit in a strong American accent! Using the Identify Tool you can recognise any anatomical feature and call up the best view and related items such as Histology or Radiology. To extract or isolate a particular structure (or substructure) you simply click on the Isolate Tool and like an out of body experienc e the kidneys or hip bones materialise on-screen as if suspended in mid air spooky. You can view links to your selected structure such as anatomy related Histologies (slides of cell structure), Radiologies ( X-Rays) and cross sections for even more detailed information. These can also be accessed via the Library as can the Help Book, Projects Book and Self Test Book. Activating the Projects Book allows you to tune in to Dr Koop (a former US Surgeon General) in conversation. It is impossible to dissect such a complicated (and pricey) piece of software in one short review and at 1,762.50 anyone interested in buying it is strongly advised to arrange for a demonstration first. But the thousands of highly detailed and accurate illustrations are truly stunning. This multimedia title is packed with very technical information and gi ves you the opportunity to step through the complex and numerous layers of the body as if you were really stripping away body tissue and muscle. Years of painstaking research has enabled both scientists and doc tors to discover how the anatomical functions of the body work together and much of it has been recreated here. For those with more humble needs such as undergraduates who are intending to study medicine, a cut -down version, A.D.A.M. Essentials, at a mere 282 might be more appropriate. GCSE students and those with a general interest would be better off with a title like Dorling Kindersley s The Ultimate Human Body. R Teresa Maughan A.D.A.M. Comprehensive 2.3 Price 1,762.50 Contact Churchill Livingston 0131 556 2424 Category Reference/Education Platform MAC MPC CD-i 3DO 1,762.50G"Churchill Livingston 0131 556 2424H SciencesJ Over 6061:1:16160:1:16160 6161:1:161 6161:1 :1:16161:1616160:R>R6160 61>s:1:16061:1:16161:1:16161:1:16160:1:16160 6161:1:161 :1:1>Q>1B "s&R*R&2"s"R R"R&R"R"R&R"R&R&1&R&R*1"R"1JsZ 1*1.1 *s&R*R*R*Q&R*R&F &R"Q"R R"R.1"R*0&1"R"Q"R"1"2 1"R"1 R&1&1 R"R"1"R"R R"R*1- *1*0. &R.s. 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S*R21 Z.bnY S*R21 rF1-I S*R21 *R21*1*1.121.1 jnbMU -bOZ/9 ^ObPV PJ0)) S*R21 *s61212R.s2s20"1.1& NfKZ-N N0ZOj NQNQRQROZ S*R21 bp^OQ S*R21 VPV-Q vL^-$ S*R21 bNZPI /bQb/Y jo^N)) S*R21 KN0foM qZ/=H r+nn9I boZ+QF bqbKQg +Rr^.I nMnLv s^0Mf S*R21 nfnYH fNj,vl zljK= QZ/Ei S*R20 fNbpEH fNjMvm~ fMvKf RPfo^ ,RRfpEi f+nnvkj*Z.z P^.Z0I Qb,{o NQbNEI Z.nMa OZOf/I qb+w' rjp=' f,rlr vKvljnz rjLsJ sfIwh jM^-j bp^NV nnbM{v rfoIi bNbM= S*R.1 ^.bNM fofofNU vJfNz nm^N5 ^.^M^L9 S*R21 rnfNjojMAh b-^-= S*R21 fOfLn S*R21 joj,~ f+fNv rljnn boV.9 rlnM~ S*R21 rmnnE S*R21 b-jnv NfNjob.j,v S*R21 bmZ-bof jmfMrmz jLfNv S*R21 bMfmn vmrLv bMjMz fLnm~ nMnor S*R21 ,f,AG nljlr ^pBrZ vmrLv vlrkfMjMr n*j,v S*R21 nljln VO>R[ pnMZ,Z rKnnz vlrmrmnlf+n jmb-r S*R21 fMf*r rknlv fnjMfnz S*R21 nMnm{3 b*f+v rMj,z nmnmr rlf,nn^ S*R21 rmb+z nbNF0^ S*R21 -rmnlz f,^-^-R S*R21 ^,fLn pV/R.n S*R21 ^.jl{ nmf,1' S*R21 "R*1. b-bOU S*R21 "1*12 obM^NU ^,V-A Z/^pn n,jnfNbNfMr jLb+b nkZ,N/Nsb S*R21 "1.R&R. RsRPb Ojnfmb ^njm=h bMZ,bnfNjnV.M KN0fPV ZqJ19 nmnmZ-F pfMfM~ S*R21 fo^NZ RqRsB jp^-N VrF0E -b,fn^p^,bNRQJ1NQRQ^ S*R21 S*1.1*11 V.J/E RrRsV NRNsV J0N1NPF NQNPZ S*R21 N^-fMa V/b/Q .^Mbmfoj VpZo^ob bo^MU S*R21 "R*120{ bpfqbpf ^oZNY S*R21 &1.1&R2 jJjK^ J-VOZOZ S*R21 bNZ,1I S*R21 ^QbPQ -^mbnj S*R21 RPVP^r^0bP^/Z/Q S*R21 ZPbP^ S*R21 rQj/M NqJ1VsZs^rRRA S*R21 NqNqV NrNsRsRrJ1F0F1JQR ZKngag S*R21 S*R21 b/vrv/V jifI^ S*R21 qnPvrrQ^.$ S*R21 v0jN1) >R6R"1"R f/bor.Mj R&1*R"1% or1r0r s"R"R& RQVRZrVRVrNPE QRqN0V0R V0V/N/VrN0A Over A Fish Called Wanda Does someone at Philips have a penchant for romantic comedies produced in 1988? This tale of a jewel heist gone wrong, however, is a whole different kettle of erm fish to the Eddie Murphy vehicle. Scripted by Computer er-enhanced Computer-game Computer-generated Computer-ignorant Computer-rich Computerised Computers Computing Comrade Comrades Conan Conceal Conceited Conceivable Interesting Interestingly Interests Interface ternally International Internet Interplay Interplay's Unfortunately Union Unions Unique Uniquely Unirritating Unison United Units Unity Universal Universally Universally-understo Universe University Unknown Unleash Unleashed Unleashing Unless Layers Laying Layla Layman Laymen Layout Layouts Lazily Lc475 Lciii Leaden Leader Leaders Leading aving Lecture Left-hand Leftovers Legacy Cut-sequences Cutdown Cutesy Cutscenes Cutter Cutter's Cutting Cyberboogie Cyberdelic Cyberdreams Cyberflix Cyberflix's Cybergraphics Cyberia Cybernetic Cybernetics Cyberplumber Cyberpunk Cyberpunks Cyberspace Cyberwar Cybrids Cycle Cyclemania Cycles Cycling Dissect Dissecting Dissection Dissemination Dissimilar Dissolved Dissolving Dissonance Dissonant Dissuade Distance Distanced Distances Distant Distasteful Distilling Distinct Distinctive Distinctly Distinguished Distinguishes Distinguishing Distorting Distract Distracted ributes Distributing Hip-hop Hip-thrusting Hip-thrustingly Hippie Hippies Hippo Hippo-smuggling Hippyishly Hired Hiring Hirsute and starring John Cleese, A Fish Called Wanda doesn t rely on the star to carry the can, but uses him as an anchor for some expert ensemble acting. Cleese plays a barrister who is called upon to defend a jewel thief (Kline) and consequently slips into a growing web of betrayal and deceit weaved by the womanly wiles of Wanda (Curtis), the gangster s floozy. Steadily, Cleese s ivory tower is scaled by a selection of w arped stereotypes: Curtis raunchy seductress with a passion for de-robing at the slightest mention of the words tagliatelle or carbonara; Kline s maniacally cruel, Buddhist weapons expert; and Palin s bumbling , stuttering, animal-loving dog slayer. Pacy and littered with great gags, A Fish Called Wanda is a true comedy caper in the Ealing tradition. Sad to say, the sound quality emanating from this disc is also on a par with the stuff Ealing was putting out in the mono. However, the film was definitely made in stereo, most likely in Dolby surround sound. Philips is at pains to point out that for all its studious ef forts in VideoCD production, encoders are at the mercy of the masters they are given to work from. Even if a mono print of this movie does exist, though, it is difficult to see why MGM/UA would supply a mono ma ster for transfer to a high-quality sound format. There is always the possibility that the stereo track lost its way somewhere in the encoding process, and Philips is currently investigating possible causes. P icture quality is also slightly below par, although not in a disastrous way; softening is obvious in parts, and there are some strange lighting changes in certain scenes. Andy Clerkson A Fish Called Wanda uires DV cart for CD-i; MPEG card for MPC or Mac Price 17.99 Contact Philips 0171 911 3000 Director Charles Crichton Starring John Cleese, Michael Palin, Jamie Lee Curtis, Kevin Kline Platform VideoCD EncodingK Average 17.99G Philips Media 0171 911 3000H VideoCDI Digital Movies ComedyJ F/F/B F/F/A 0J0B/B 0NrJQ9 F0F0F F0F0F/B F/F/B 0JQJQR NrJQ9 F/.JPJPF F/F/B F0F0JPNqJrJqN JqF/= F/F0F0F/F/F0J0 JPJQJqJrJQJPJqNrFPB F/JPJ0JOJOF0J0F0F/F/J0 .NrNqJqJQB0F1NrNr= F/JPJ0JPJPJ0J0F JQNqR NrNrJrJqFPB0JrR JP4J0J0JPNrR NrJQJrJRF0FPR F/F/JPNq JRJQJqJQFPJqV F/JPNqNq Jq*JQJQNrV F0JPNqJqJPJPJQNr Jq@NqR F/JPJqNqJQJPJ0JQR NqJPJqJrJQJQJrNrNrR NrFPF0FPJqJqJPF/F/J0NrV NrWJqNqJPB QJQJQNrJqJqJQB/F/JPNqR JPF/FPJQJqNrR FPF/B NrJQF0F0NQ NrF0F/F0JQNsNrN JQB0> JQJPF/JPJQ JQ'NrNsJQJQF0> Jr&FQB/B /JPJPNqNQ9 JrJrFQF0B0>0 0NrRrF0-I 0NQNqFPB/B 0RrNQ= 0RrJpA PNrF0= .RrNQA 0RrJ0= pF-J-RO5i J-Ro5 B2B2A :4:4>4BUB35 :3>4>UBVBU> 3>T>VBVBU>35 >4>VBVBU>4: >5BUBU>4:25 >4BUBV>4>3> >3BU>4> 3R Under 20[ Under A Portion Of Jethro My missus has just had a coil fitted and she s picking up CB radio operators on the bloody thing. When I left home today I was getting verbal from both ends! This opening shot from Cornish comedian Jethro (a h Songs Songwriters Songwriting Sonic Sonic's Sonnenfeld Sonny Sooner Soothes Soothing Sophisticate Sophisticated Sophisticates Sophistication Sorely Sorrow Web's Webber Website Webster Webster's Wedding Weddings Wedge Wednesday Wednesdays Weedy Weekday Weekend Weekly Weekly's Weird-shaped Weirdest Weirdoes Welcome Welder Welders Selection Selections Selector Selectors Selects Self-appointed Self-aware Self-awareness Self-congratulatory Self-consciously Self-control Self-despairing Self-displaying Self-explanatory Self-help Self-indulgence Self-obsessed Self-parody Sentence Sentenced Sentences Separate )erve Mention Mentioned Mentioning Mentions Menus Mercenaries Mercenary Mercer Merry Mesopotamia Message Messages Messed Messrs Metal Metaltech Metamorphosis Metaphor Metaphors Transfer Transferred Transferring Transfiguration Transforms Transglumifier Transition Transitions Translate Translated Translates Translator Translucent Transparent Transpires Transplant Transplanted Transport Transported Transporters Transports Trapeze Trapped Traps Trash Gamepad Hills Issues Mac/mpc 0171973 01734 01752 01753 01865 01892 01923 ousehold name west of Sussex, apparently) not only has the sold-out Salisbury crowd rolling in the aisles, but is typical of the observations on life in Cornwall that Jethro deals in; always smutty but never re sorting to the nature of some stand up comedy. Adopting the persona of a beered up simpleton, Jethro takes you on a trail of disaster with his mate, the even dafter Denzil Penberthy, or offering opinions on a range of subjects, from women having an easy life ( Even when they piddle they sit down. They don t even have to aim! ) to Ronald Reagan ( He was a cowboy for 20 years and never got shot once. They made h im President and he got shot twice in one week. As straight footage of the concert the film and sound quality are good, and you can jump straight to your favourite sketch to impress your friends. Finding them selves at a spiritualist s event (instead of a Michael Jackson concert), Jethro is shocked to find Denzil onstage answering the call for anyone who d shagged a ghost. , he says, I thought you said goat! ou either love it or hate it. Jerry Ewing A Portion of Jethro Special Requirements DV cart for CD-i; MPEG card for MPC Price 17.99 (inc VAT) Contact PolyGram 0181 910 5841 Platform VideoCD Encoding Very GooH 17.99G PolyGram 0181 910 5841H VideoCDI ComedyJ 3R Under 20[ Under Above the Law sVtVSVsVsZsVSVSVsZsZSZsZsVsVsVS VsVSVsZsVrVsVsVrZsVsVsZsVRVsV VSVs^ VSVSZs^ ZsZsZ ZsbQak eB3>2N bLb,Q ^,fMjnb,M ^,b,^V bMbL^,Z+Z FRFtFsFQR nnb,^,fLjmjmfLb+Z nnf,Y jNb,^,V,=H jmb,b nmnmb+Z NMJ,NoE ZTVuVtA NTNtZ pVP-( jMb,M j-j-EG (d(d( LnLn,] +nlrlnKnL] rknJj+Y rKj+f rmjLf nnjMb,Q onNr-Y fmfMU bLbMQ tJSkz boV-E NPRq^ ^oV-Z-I ZMV-M bobob PZoZo^ ,ZMbnf Z-ZM^NZMM VSVSVRVR VRVRRRVRN VSRRI MjLjLfMQ dFrk{ nnMjMQ mnlrlr nlb+Q 0F0JTR J2JrJR rlfLY svRmJ N.N.J NMJ.J N/J.J.JOB 2V0V.R-ZoI b0bQY Z/N/= RrNqNr^ NPN0Rqc -VMRLA 0NQc5 F*J,J*b 0RQ)) ,^oVpRQVt^ iVjsK HF(JIB FN)oN VqRQZ F,J-N-A oNpkW LnLnLnKnKn+n*n*j*jKn+j _:Z,wT RqNQRqJ NqJO= j n n*n*r*r* N/VPk7 ZqN0A ZqVPj R/N/c JORqf NORpo7 RPRPZ J/RPJ RoNORQA f f e ZqV0R n+n+n*n*nK r*n*n)n)n n+AH VORPk7 J.Vpg n*n*r*r*r+r*n*n j j n j j*n*j f j*AG JORrN1ZrVqNpZ VqJ/^ N0RqJOV n n j j n n*n*r* n n n n*n*r*rK=h 0RQsY RoVNf J.N/c R0R.NOV VqJ.k6 o~R.s7 RPF/JOc qVPROk6 J/NOk5 RPVPRO lrKrKvJvJvjvj r*v*vJvKvKvJvJv+ rKnKn+n*j*j j n ]L^pf OVpZqk n*n*r*n N0RPk7 PJORpRqZ j j*9G N/Vr5 NQNOg VOZoRMk n n)AF g~Zqb n n n JNJ.ROVqb NON.f pV/Zpf nmfLjmz N-VN= RPVpZ jmfmfMfnQ RrNP1 J.NORPR0Z NPVp^ bM^,Z QJ/NPf JRJQb VqN/b jnb-bMbMfnfnbMU NrRrZ ZqRoA R/ZRb RsRrV RrRr1 R/RPc JQNRV NQRqE F0JOf fM^,^-9I JQNqV NQJ09 VrR0A N/VPf JORq^ 0NPN.b JQNQRrRrNRJ0RQA N0F/V VQR0Z jnb,Q PNQNqRrNrV JQJ0NQNRRrNQNQN09j N0R/E fMfMZ /NQNQRrNrNrV NQJ0NRRrRrNqJ0J15k RPVQN/A Z1Z0Zpo /VP^o{ NrNqV Rr,NrRrF NPNNVo9 RrN09 N.RP= RqN/E R/J/9 V-R.V.V/M Today Today's Toddler Toddler-friendly Toddling Todorovic Toe-curlingly Toe-tapping Togas Together Toilet-paper Token Tokyo Jewel Jewellery Jewels Jewish Jewison Jfk's Jigsaw Jilinsky Jilly Jimmie Jimmy Jingle Jinks Jiving Joannou Jobe's Jockette Jocky Salisbury Saliva Salman Saloon Salting Saltzman Salutary Salute Salvador Salvage Sam's Samantha Sampled Sampler Samples 01865 01892 01895 01903 01923 01932 01933 01993 Polygram Press Productions Products Projection Psygnosis Publications Publishing Random Records Services Sierra hnologies Turpin Virgin Vision Warner Wienerworld World Xiphias "Sit back and enjoy all the carnage and capers. These drivers are above the law! No pretence here of any kind of responsible safety message, just 52 minutes of collisions, skids, wheelies and blowouts in thi uncompromising collection of crashes selected from top quality motor sport. And they re not kidding, either. Rally cars crash and burst into flames, motorbikes smash across barriers dragging their riders be hind them, saloon cars career into the watching crowds, motor boats hurtle into the air and land in a pile of disembodied lumps on the water. And that s just the intro. Yet, despite the chaos, none of the par ticipants were seriously hurt, the commentator soothes us. Depends on what you term seriously . But despite yourself, you can t help but watch another bike crash into a bail and explode. Mad, macho and danger ous it may be, but it certainly bears out the adage that the only reason most people go to these sports is on the off-chance of seeing a crash. Luckily he wasn t too badly hurt this time, growls the testoster one-charged commentator as a racing car skids off the road and into some spectators and a rather unlucky cameraman. The most gruesome crashes are lovingly repeated in slo-mo and the commentator continues to wa x lyrical about drivers exercising their right to speed and drive dangerously, and... Above The Law! It seems almost pedestrian to note that the encoding was pretty good on this bargain-priced VideoCD and it delivers on its no padding, no nonsense promise. True, but only if you ignore all the padding the drivers are wearing and the general madness which is the basic premise of this disc. Paul Nesbitt Above ThI\e Law Price 12.99 (inc VAT) Contact CD Vision 0181 503 0589 Platform VideoCD Encoding Good 12.99D inc VATG CD Vision 0181 503 0589H VideoCDI Digital MoviesJ 4R Under 20[ Under Addams Family Values B/JqJ :0>QBr>PN FrFRJRJR:0:0>2B2FRF1B B0>0BQ>P >Q>1:0:0>0> >/>/>0>/>/B0BP >P:/>/BP BP>P>0BQ>0>0FRFQB0B0F1B0B0 FrFrF SF1Ns> BR>0>1B1B0B B0B0B/BP>/>/>0 >/>/D BP>/>O>/>PBP>0BP>0BP>/BPBP>/>/BPFqFqF JrBQBQFQB0F0J0 F03B/B FsFsFrJsFQB F1F1B JRF1F1N1NRNRRRNRNrNsRsR B0Jr> :0BPB0B/BPB/ >0>/>/B0B0>P:/>qF FsFsJrN JrB0F1F1J :F0B0FrFrBqBqFrBRF >1BR>1>1BQ>1BRFRFQFQF1JrJRJQN RrNQNQJQJrFQFPJqJQJq >0FQR BQJrZ /BP>/FRJs:/6 >/>0>0B0 B1B1F1F J1J0J1N1J1JQJ1JQFQ FrBQFrJ JqFPFPBPB0 JPJPNqNQJQJqJqJrN 2BR>1FRB0> :0BR: FsBQBQR r>QBRc: R:0>/BQ>06 :/>QBQ>1>0B QFRFQF0F0FP FqFqFQF1J1J1N1N1NQNRRrRsRsV VsRsRrV JrFQJrJ BPBOB/FPNrNrN B0F1Z FtFSFRFRJr:/6 61:P>P>/>PBP:/>QV BT:15 JQJqBPBqBq>Q>PBQFqFqBQBQFrJ JsBqFrJ NqJPNqNQJQNRJRJrNsN >/B0N NsNsRsNsRsRsNrNs B0IF0B BSFSJSFRFQ> :1>16 BPJQ5 J0J0J1J1F1F0BP>/BPF NsJrFRJsJs FrJsN rNrJrFQJ >0BQN BQJrR JsFrFsFsFrJ >/B0B F0F0F FSFSFTFSFRBQBPJ B1FQNrR RrFQJr_ F0JPJQF0B0FQFPFQJQJPJQNsR NQNQJqJqJrN JrNsJrJrN JsFSBR>Q>QJrJ FrBQBRFRFR B2FSFR B2FRFR FSF3B2B2 F1J2F1F1FQR JtJtJ >0B0JrJ FqJqBp BQBQFQBPFPFPF0FPFQJqJqN NrNrRrR JsFrFsJrJsJSJSFSBR>RBR:0>0FsBr>QBrFrFr FRF2BRB2 FRFRB1B0FRN 0BQFqFqFpFpFPFP NrJrFqFpFpJqJ FSFtBSBSBR>2>RBRBR>QBRFsBsFrFSBRBRFs FTFSF3FSF2BRB1B1F1B1B :/>/: B0FQR FRJrV FrJrJqJq NsNsJsJs JrJrFRJSFSJSJSFSJS FTFSFSBRB2BSBSB3Ft BSFTFSFSFsFSFSFsFRFSFRBRB1BT /B-BNR JrJrJ FqFqJ qFqJrJrJqNrN NsJrN JrJQNQNRNsNs FsBsBsFsFsFRFSFsFrFRFRFSJSFSJs FTFTFSBSBRBSFSFsJtFTFT JSFRFRFrFrB1B0FQBQ>0>0B1> JqFPFqBPFpFqF JsJsJtFsJ FRJRNr FsFsFrFsFtFtFsFSFSFRFSJSFS FRFSFR FsFSJtJtFTBTBSFSJsJsFQBQFQF1F0F JqJrJqFqJ JsFSJTJtFs FsFsFS JSJSJsJSFRFsFsFSFSFsFs FSFSJSNsF0F J0RRRRN1F ? >0>0BQ FrFrJsFrJrFrBQFrJ FqBqJ FsJtJt NSNTJTJTFSFRFRFs JSFSJSFRF1JRJQF F1F1J1J0F B.B.B N1NRJr NsJrJsJ JpFpJ JsJsNs JsJsFsFs FtFTJtJtNTNTNSNTNTJTJSFSJsJS JRJrJSFRB1FQ F/JQF0> B.B.> F.F-B NRN1J1RRNrJrN JSJSJsJsFSFsJsFsFtFtJt FSFsFsFtFTJTJT NtJsJsFrFrFs B1>0BQB1: B.B.F. 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NsNtRtRTRTR4R4RTNSJTJTJSJSFSJSJSJTJSJT N40J3J2FRFRFSFSJsFSJSJTJsJSJSJRJ2J3F JRNsR JtNtRuRvRU RT+RtJSJSFSFSB F31FSF25 NtRuRTNTNSJSJtFtFtJsNtNs JTJTJ4J4JTJT NT8NSJSJTFSB3B2> NRJ1J21 NsRtR RuNtRTRTNTJSJSB2B1> F2F2> FS*J3J2J2NSNRZt9 TVuRSN JrFQV RuRUNU NS(JRNRJSJSJRNRNrNRJSJSJTJTJS NTJ4NTJ3J3F2B tNSJRFR5 FqJrJrFRJSJSF3A 2JtB2B2B3B2> sJSFRF2F2JSF2NSNsJS= 2R2N3R3ZuRTN3VtRSRTNSN29 FQNsRuRuNUNTRuNuNTNtNtNT F3F3F2B1B1>1>1B tNrJS= N3N3J3F3F2 FRJsJSJS9 VS^uVtRTN3E RvNuJuFtBS>3>2: 2F2F1F2> B2B29 2R3RTRTR3R3J2 JS/JsFRF2)k VSR3R4b N3NSVtJ vF4Jv: N3NTJ3 J2NSRTN3J2J J2N3N N2N3N3J2F2JSNTJSF2> ZUZUf N3ZuZ tB2Jt1 r@J3J3F2B2F2F3J3N3N3J2N2N3N3J NSNTJSF3J3= ZuZT^Uf VuN3N2b J3N4A VvVwNu% J2J2F2F F2J3J4 J3\N3J J2J2J3J3J ZvZv^wZwf NTJ3RT9 >TFv5 J2J2N3N3J J3cJTF2B J3J3N3N VwJ71 NwNv> J2J2F J2dF3FSFS> F3F2J JTVvb ZuNSN2N2F VF4%n vNUF39 wNvFT- N2XF2F2F1= RuJ3JSZ NWF5FUV J2CJ3J2A ZVVvZ RTRuZ 5BvFvFV> 5FTFTB29 ?J2J3J3J N3N3A VTR4Zvf RtNSZ N2Vub ^v^uZUI 64:VF NwF4B N3NTN3J VuNTRvk NtF3J4Z ZuZub ^w^wZvI >W>wN :T63: t~F2F3F3J2J3NTNTJSJSNTF NuB2c 4>UFuJ 2v2U64: TNTJsNtN o~B2B3F3FSJTJUJUNv J1NRJ NvRwJV> BTBuB JsNtJ2A t~FTJuN F1J1J ZvR4I :4BvBt>2: >RB1F1J1J RuJ4V RTJ3RuVUVUI Zubw^vRTJSFS9 `|FwJ :1B1F1J RvRu^ TJSB1BR1 F3F4Z RTRt) RuJSNtb NSJ3^ NuRuZ RURu= N2VsF 1^uZu^v) ZuR4N ZU^wM ZtVtN3N3E -FPk9 t^uZU^wZU% F2J2F 2F3JSF VSR2R2I 2J2NSE RSNRJ1F ^tN1J F0NRZ VtJ2A RtN3RTVTZvb buVSR2N 1NRJ1NRNRB TN2Vt^ub VTZTZTV3M R1N1J J0J1J2J2 VtRsVtR2R2VRR3E JuJSVuZ RSN2NSF NTNU= NSVuVtRTF B0>0> JQNRRRJ RtF15 B2JtZ RuF2= JSJ2B N2R3A RuRuRTZuVuF VSVu5 VtJ1B F1F1B J1F1F1JRV RtJRF1JRF1F2F1B J2NSV J3RtRtJsc JS@JRNsZ RtJRJRJrB0) SZtRSRt^ JsJsJSRtV RuJSB R2VRJ RTNTNSA VtRTJ RJSB29 RtRtNSA R3V3N \ETfL VtN2A J1RS^ 3RTN3 RRNRN2J2J2F J2J1J sZs5j J1J1J2J J2J2N2= J2RSJ2B J1NR9 N2RSJ JRJ1= All-american All-cut-scenes-and-n All-important All-music All-new All-out All-round All-singing All-terrain All-time All-white Allegations Allegedly Allegory Allegro Allein Allen Alliterative Allocated Allocating Allow Allowance Allowed Allowing Allows Crowds Crown Crowning Crucial Crucially Crucible Crucified Crucifix Cruddy Crude Cruising Crumble Crumbled Crumbling Crusade Crust Cryogenic Cryogenically Crystal Crystals Cuban Cubed Cubes Cubism Cuddly Cul-de-sacs Culminates Culpa Hurtle Hurtled Hurtling Hurts Husband Hussein Hustling Huston Hutch Hutchence Hutchinson Hutchinson's Hyatt Hybrid Hybrids Hydrocephalitic Hydrospheric Hyeeeaaa Hyped Hyped-up Hyper-real Hyper-realistic Hyperbole Hypercard Hyperlinked Hyperlinking Hyperlinks Ignore ctive Testosterone-charged Tests Tethered Tetris Texas ually Textural Texture-mapped Texture-mapping Textured-mapped Th-th-th-th-th-that Thaddeus Thailand Thalidomide Thames Nothing Nothing's Notice Noticeable Noticeably Noticed Notices Noticing Noting Notion Notions Notorious Novastorm's Novel Novella Wearing Wearisome Wears Weary Weasel Weather Weather-beaten Weave Weaved Weaves Basic Basics Basie Basie's Basil Basil-pot Basis Basket Basketball Bassett Basstoven Bastard Bastards Vision Visiting Visitor Visits Visual Visualised Visually Visuals Vital Vocabularly Vocal Vodka Vogue Voice Voice-actors Voice-over Voice-overs Voiceover Voiceovers Voices Volcanoes Voltaire Volume Volumes Volunteered A child screams in horror at a Michael Jackson/Heal the World poster. A good joke, if not a particularly politically correct one. But then The Addams Family and its sequel, Addams Family Values, are nothing les s than full frontal assaults on Middle American values. Indeed they may well have marked the beginning of the end for the Reagan/Bush era! Based on characters created by Charles Addams for his New Yorker magazi ne cartoons, which were later turned into a TV series, this is the ideal antidote to all the recent Christmas schmaltz. The arrival of baby Pubert wreaks havoc with the sensitive ids of the elder Addams childre n, Pugsley and Wednesday. Enter nanny Debbie Jilinsky, (Cusack), full of soothing balm, but is she all she appears to be? Will Fester be her brain-addled sex toy? Do we care? Frankly, not a lot. The film doesn t really take off until Pugsley and Wednesday are despatched to summer camp where they are scorned by the other disturbingly Aryan children and forced to watch Disney cartoons. As with its precursor, Addams Fa mily Values belongs to Anjelica Huston, who as Morticia gets to play the part she was born for, (sorry, Anje, but it s true!), ably assisted by the late Raul Julia (Gomez), and Christopher Lloyd as lovable Uncl e Fester. The encoding quality is clear, if not particularly crisp, and anoraks anonymous will be glad to know that the numerous Dolby Surround effects are recreated accurately. Despite glimpses of a dark sati rical edge, Addams Family Values remains a concoction of one liners and special effects cobbled together on the back of a weak plot. Still, it s tough on family values and tough on the causes. Mark Sutton Addams Family Values Requires DV cart for CD-i; MPEG card for MPC/Mac Price 19.99 Contact Philips 0171 911 3000 Director Barry Sonnenfeld Starring Anjelica Huston, Raul Julia, Joan Cusack Platform VideoCD oding Very Good 19.99G Philips Media 0171 911 3000H VideoCDI Digital Movies ComedyJ V2x.w2 &4.v* &v"U! :3>uW[ d:2W: :t:s6R6 :t2R61- .w2Uc 3R Under 20[ Under A Airplane! A masterpiece of off-the-wall comedy, says the blurb. Unfortunately, this is one masterpiece whose greatness has been somewhat eroded by time. While the Airplane! that appeared in 1980 was indeed bright, bree Marked Markedly Marker Marker-pens Markers Market Marketed Marketing Marketplace Marking Markowitz Marks Marksman Marksmanship Markus Marlon Marmalade Marred Marriage Masks Mason Mass-market Mass-produced Remains Remake Remarkable Remarkably Remarks Remastered Remedies Remember Remote Remotely Remove Renaissance Rendered Rendering Renditions Renegades Renewable Renoir Renoir's Renowned Repackage Repackaged Repairs Repeat Suture Suvabaya Svelte Svengali Swaggering Swain Swallow Swamp Swamplands Swapping Swarm Swayze Swear Swearing Sweat Sweater Sweats Sweaty Swedish Sweep Sweeping Sweeps Sweet Sweetest Sweetly Sweetness Sweets Swelling zy and refreshingly zany, a much-needed counterblast to all those hackneyed 70s disaster movies (and there are filmic references a-plenty), the double-disc CD-i Airplane! that wings its way into 1995 is a sadl y faded affair. One obvious reason for its lacklustre performance is the diminutive role of Leslie Nielsen, whose madcap brilliance is the most abiding legacy of Airplane! and its subsequent spin-offs. While Ju lie Hagerty s daffy Elaine makes for good comedy, her co-star Robert Hays (Jeff) fails to achieve take-off (as, presumably, has his career since those movies). What really hits you watching Airplane! 15 years o n is just how much it relies on verbal silliness for its comedy. Thus you have the running motif of pass puns like, t call me Shirley or heavy-handed literalism so when Jeff books a ticket for the section he s handed gasp! a smoking ticket. But let s not be too hard on this Neanderthal japery. Because hidden among this torrent of weary wackiness there lurk a few comic gems. To wit, some well-cr afted send-ups of pilot-speak, John Travolta Saturday Night Fever routines, the very 70s love affair with black streetwise lingo, tupperware parties, automatic pilots and religious cult freaks. The CD-i inte rface is the familiar Philips control bar but even though the content is showing its age the encoding is well up to 1995 standards: there are very few mosquitoes or macroblocks, and the colours are bold and bri ght. Robert Dwek Airplane! Special Requirements DV cart for CD-i; MPEG card for MPC/Mac Price 17.99 (inc VAT) Contact Philips Media 0171 911 3000 Director Jim Abrahams, David Zucker, Jerry Zucker StarringJS Robert Hays, Julie Hagerty, Leslie Nielsen. Platform VideoCD Encoding Very Good 17.99G Philips Media 0171 911 3000H VideoCDI Digital Movies Comedy F3F4F3B2B 3JTJUJuJU JT6J3F2F3F3F2FRF1= 3JUNvNvNuJUJUJvJTF3 3JUJU Ju6JvJvJuFTJtNtX NTJTJ3B TJTF4FU Ju4JTJSJ2J1B NvF4B2F1B JTgFTFSJRB F1NRRsR F39FTJUNvNvJUFTFSF3JSJSJ2J2NSV RvNvZ RuNTNuRvR F1F2F3JTNuN^ vJVJTJTF3JTNTN3N3RtV F1F2JSJTNuJTFSJ3NSNTNSNSRtV JTJSF F0JRJSJTJTJ RvNSJ1F 0J0F0J0J0F F2J3J3F3F3JTNuNTNtRuRvR RvRv^ RrNQF NTRuNtRuRuRvV NRJ1F /VqN0F RtNRNRF N0N0F F2NuNUNTR NtJ2JRJ1JRJSF2F2JSJR F1;NTR RsRsNRF RvNuNtJSNUV RPR0F NtJSNTV NtJSJSNtV JR.JSNtV F1J2NsV J1NsR JuF4F B6BWBXJxN B7B7>76 0JrJsB0! N1J1J0RQE qJrJtBR!( 0RQN0A QF1BR>1 NWF5B F5F5B4> NSJ1F NWF7FXJy RtNRJ1E J6B7BXFxJ RSNRJ1A J4B5>6BXFyJ RsRsNRJ2= TB5>6> RsRRNRJ29 TB6B7> RtRsNRJ tBW>7FX> VuRtRsF SJw>7FXFx>6: RtRtRSA BW>7FxFy>76 By>WFxR Jy>7>7J By>X>7>6FwR Fy>7BXN WBxFyFXBX >5FvR uJWJyN BX>7FxN BxBw>VBVR SF5BWJ Bx>WFyN >7>7>WBXByByF F3F3NtJ2F2J2)J SF4B5FxN ByByJ >X>X>yB NtF2NuR RvF2% RtJUB4B6JxN ByFyF BX:W>XBxF JSJSR sRtJTF4> B6BX>X:W:6:6:7>7:7:6> >7BXFXN RuJTJSNtR NuNuc sJSF2F3= 6FyFy>X>W>XF NTJ3JSN RpNP)' WFx>W>WBXJ NUNTJ F3NvFTFUR RvNUF TFVFWB5JwV 5:6>XJ NuNTB FxBX:5> >6>XByJ NuNuJS= Fy>W>5) Bx>7>5- Fy>X>W>5) By>w>U- ByBy>W:5- Fy>X>7>W>V>4: WBX>X>W>6>6BWBVBV: .ROVpRO-' &RuNtF29 3FV>W:6:5>w>U: :5>5> NVqVp1h o^qJ1= TBwBw>U6 >VBw:6:5: >6BV5 .J0JQJ1JQJPJPJpV VRF2B RvRuRuV BVB6BW>V:5:5BxF >V>5>6B7B49 0RrRrRsNsNsNrR NqJ0= NtF3F2% 4B6>6BWBw>U:5BWN Bx>6B7>6BV>3FRNsNsRsNRNRJRJRNsJQ1 NuB4F3)K J4RuM B7>7BX>W: >6B6BW> JSNsRsRrRsR JvB4F4-l RwRTM FxBX: BW>6BW>65 2NRRrV FUF4JV5 JWNxRwR2M 5B6BW>7>7BX FyBW:5:5J :6>5BW: 2NRVrF F4F4R J5JVJWR 4BV>6BW>W>7F Fy>X:5: >6:5BXBW: FUFUR J5NWR RwF5NUN 4BVBW>6>WBxBxF FyBx:56 BX:6>W>W>55 JvFUJvV NUNVN5A 4FV>WBw>W>WBxF ByByB Fx>W:V>W: NvJvN J4RvRv= F1JUNTI RvNTF39 BVBWBXFxBW>7BxF >6JyN vNvN2=k JRNuR RvNUJ3B 5FVFWFXJ BW:6BxFyFyF Bx:5: >x>WBW) JTNuNtNuJTJSJ3F B5FWJxFxF >W:6BXBxF FxJyF BxBxFx%M JUJTJUJTJ4J3B B5FWJ >WFxF BX:5>6FyF J3N4N5J5 B5B7Fx >W:6BXByBxF F3JSF2B B4FVB7BXFy FX>6: BxBXBxBXBxJ 3JTNUNuR 5FWBXFxFyF Bx:6: cRug< ZR^0^0b1btb Bx:66 ByBxBxBy>w Bx:6: BxBxByB Bx:56 :4BwJ BxBxB JTJU> FxFxFyFxBx:65 BxByByJ FWBW> >7BxFyF Bx>76 FyByN 5FWBWBW>7: >6BxFy FxBx>W6 JVFWFXFXFxFy:7>6BxFy FxBx>W6 B5FWFXFXFxJ >7:7BXFxFyFxFyFxF By>W: F4JUJUR F7FXBXFxJyFx>7>7BWFxFyFyF FxFyFxFxBW: B7FXBxFyJ FX>7>6BW Fx BW: RxRwI FWBXBXFyJ Fx>7>6BWFxF FxFxBxFxFxFyBxBW: FWBWBxBxJ Bx>7:6>WFxF Fx ByBxBX: 6BW>WBxF Bx:6:6>W BxBX:69 TFWc< B6>WBXFxBx:6:5>W BW>69 >7FxBx:6: >7BxFx FxBxBx>65 !Js_; FxBx>X>76 >WFyJ BWBXBXBxBx BxBX>7: >7BxF B7FWBWBX BW>6: :6BxF >W>7: :6>WByF BX>7> :6>WBxF JWNx^ B6>6>W> Bx>W: :6>WBxF bJSg\ JwJwRw! 5B7>7>7BWFx :7>XF B6B7>7BXFx >W:6: :6>WBxF B6B6>7BX BX>7:6: >7BxB 6>6>7BXFx BWB7>6:6: :6>XBxByF >6>WBxBxBXFX >7:6: >WFxByB BWBxBxBXFXB7>6 BWFyByByB b,b,B BWBxBxBXBX>W>7>7BWBX>6: >WBx>W>xB >6BWFxBXBX>X :7>7BX>W>W:5>WBx>W>WF >7BXBXBWBxBX>X>W BW>WBX: >6:65 FUFvFVFWFWBWN 3^RII Fy>X:7B 2ZREI ByBy>X>XByJ By:X:WF ANso} >y>yByByF >y:XF >y>X>y:4 ByBy>y>yB By>X>x>xB By>y>x>yB ByBy>y>yB ByBy>y>yB BXFyFyR >X>yByB ByBxFyJyJ cLCPCTc0BY ByBy>y>y ByBy>X: bNtg\ ,c4B< \bdcd >x:W661 xFyFyBX>76 Xc`bL!Q* NrRRN2A 2.5R Under 20[ Under Aladdin For Disney queens, who can t afford the EuroStar to Paris ve seen the film, read the book, worn out the T-shirt and lost the key-ring. You ve drunk from the mug, bathed in the bubble bath and scrubbed with Counterblast Countered Counterfeit Counterpart Counterparts Counterpoint Countess Counties Counting Countless Countries Country Court Courtesy Cousins Cover Coverage Covered Covereth Covering Covers Covert Coveted Neanderthal Near-perfect Near-silent Nearby Nearer Nearest Nearly Nearness Nero's Nesbitt Nessun Netherworld Network Neuromancer Never Never-seen-before Nevertheless Nevetheless Neville Pinatubo Pinball Ping-pong Pinhead Pinhole ointer Pinpoints Pints Pioneered Pioneering Pioneers Pipeful-of-st-bruno Pipeline Piping Pirate Pirates Pisstake Pistol Pitch Pitched Pitchfork Pitching Pitfall Pithy Pitting Pittsburgh Pixel Pixel-perfect Pixelated PowerD Practitioners@ Prayer@ Pre-school Precedents@ Predictably Predominantly@ Premier@ Present@ Presented Presuming@ Previous Price Pricing@ Prince's@ Prismatic@ Probably Problem[ Problems Process Producer Product Products Program Programs@ Project@ Tune@ Unfortunately@ Various@ VisionH Wearing@ Window@ the soap. What new Aladdin-based adventure could possibly await you? It had to happen; roll up, roll up for Disney s Aladdin Activity Center. Faced with the opening screen, introduced by a fair imitation of Ro bin Williams genie, you can visit the Sultan s Palace, the Marketplace, the Cave of Wonders or the Movie Theatre (don t remember that in the film The Movie Theatre is, in fact, the best place to be as it ha s half a dozen key clips from the original film, shown fairly small and scratchily. Given that there s over 400Mb of unused space on the CD, however, there s really no reason why much more of the film couldn have been included; after all, both the movie and the CD are owned by Disney, so there shouldn t be any copyright problem. Bored with the movie? Then check out some of the activities tastefully strewn about you r cushion. You can find your way through a maze, match identical pairs of objects, or find pairs of cards; you can play join the dots, colour in pictures, or test your musical memory by repeating a sequence of notes; or you can spell out words you hear pronounced. This is all very well, and the genie does pop up in an entertaining fashion, but 20 minutes in we re getting a little bored by these puzzles so let s lea ve the film theatre and see what delights the Palace, Marketplace and Cave have to offer. Er exactly the same ones, as it turns out, only with different backgrounds. Take away the pop-up genie, the music, the monkey playing the pots and pans, and the Arabic-style backgrounds, and all you re left with is a collection of tired games and puzzles repackaged as this year s merchandise. No new games, no new ideas, no fre sh thinking whatsoever and over 400Mb of wasted opportunity. Given the leaps forward that children s software has made, this is dull stuff indeed. If you really want to cram more Disney down your children roats, give them a bar of Aladdin chocolate. They re less likely to choke on it. Steve Caplin Aladdin Price Between $28-$32 Contact Disney Software 001 818 543 4372 Category Entertainment Platform MAC MPC CDL -i 3DO $28.32G Disney Software 001 818 543 4372H Young ChildrenJ ,c0A0A,B,B,A,A(B(B(!(!$B !$A !$#$" PcLCPdL 8d8D4C8C4d8 4: HjGI` XN5R5N4J3N4NURUN4R5RV-s XBX>W2 RURUNU R4N4J N4R5V5B N*J Q R)VJF N VKRQ9 Bw>V- FwFwBwBxF >w6W% 6:W:x6W6V:v:6% ZIN/= $@$B B ZORSRsF ZvZuV $B !9 (A(A, ZuVuZ ,l(k$k$J0B,A$`bM4 J^k^)fkb $c0A4b ZuZuZw^ I0a,@ `M j)bKblY ZuVuV VvZvZub $l$k C d8c4" (c(c b$b$b( PBL!, ZuZvZUZu^ $4@8a8b0! RQRQROVpR/R0 N1RRN/E $a$c( ,b4b4c8 URUR3RTR4V4V4Zu1p D e,e(D$e$E (b,c0 8b8b4 RHN'b Da 4k0j8F FVB5JVNV9 (h,g,h(g$f e d e e B7F6> RuJ79 XFWB6B6> 6NvJUNuRuJ6-O 7JwFW> RwNv1s TF2FS= HdHC< K m m JxJxF6FVJXF79 sJRJRB0E LcLdHc@ 7JwNxJwN NxNxF5J6B Jx`FWB7> NxNWR NwJV= sJQJ2= LeLeLDPETdTdP LeLdD C$c(d$D$C(C(c(c ,d-$#$#, B(c$c Queens Quell Quentin Quest Question Question-and-answer Questionable Questioner Questionnaire Questions Quests Quetch Quetches Quibble Quibbles Quick Quicker Quickish Quickly Quickshelf Quickstart Quicktime From/too Front ront-channel Front-end Front-man Front-mounted Frontal Fronted Frontier Frost Frostbite Frown Frowned Frozen Fruitless Frustrated Frustrating Frustratingly Frustration Frustration-relievin Frying Fuego Fuelled Fuels Faces Facet Facets Facial litate Facilities Facility Facing So-called So-far Soaking Soared Soars Sober Soccer Sociable Social Socially Society Socio-historical Socket Socks Someone's Somersault Something Sometimes Somewhat Somewhere Through Pairs Palatable Palestinian Palette Palin Palin's Pallet Palls Paltry Pamela Panasonic Panel Panels Panic Panting Paper Paper-based Paper-boy Paperbacks Papers Papier-mache Papua Papyrus Parachute Paradis Paradise Paradox Paradoxically Paragraph Parallax Offered Offerings Offers Office Officer Officer's Offices Official Officially Officials Offspring Often Oh-so-arty Oh-so-clever Oh-so-medieval Oiliest A Alice s Adventures In Wonderland Oh my ears and whiskers Europress takes a dive down a rabbit hole for an interactive teaparty Sooner or later someone had to bring out a multimedia version of Lewis Carroll s surreal children s classic. Afte r all, it s not every day you can program a game where the Queen has a beheading fixation and a turbaned caterpillar smokes a hookah. So Europress Software, recognising the story s potential, has done just that , and with Alice s Adventures launches its new Living Classics series. Interestingly, this CD has been developed using Klick & Play, the company s consumer multimedia creation tool, which it claims has cut deve lopment time drastically and enabled the relatively low price. Alice s Adventures is based on an abridged version of the story, and the program has been faithfully recreated with the original illustrations of J ohn Tenniel (though with added colour). The result is that the CD looks just like a Victorian storybook, with pages of text accompanied by colour illustrations. After installing the CD (a simple affair as long as you have the correct Windows audio drivers), you re treated to the Map screen from where you can go to key points in the story, play a selection of games or have the story read to you from beginning to end, as you follow the highlighted words on-screen. The digitised speech is entertaining enough, each character being graced with an appropriate voice from the persuasive purring of the Cheshire Cat to the spaced -out slur of the Caterpillar, all supplied by a cast of Shakespearean actors. Clicking on the small illustrations on the page will prompt a short animation accompanied by speech but these, although smooth, ar e fairly basic and ultimately disappointing. Even if you click on an illustration, the picture will perform another basic animation, like Alice falling stiffly through the White Rabbit s rabbit hole hardly ja w-dropping stuff. And it s here that the program fails to make the grade. If you look at, say, Br derbund s Living Books series, which has also been adapted from children s stories, the pages are a moving, audi o-visual feast with heaps of interactive illustrations, showing the merits of a multimedia story over an ordinary book. Admittedly, Alice s Adventures does contain a number of games to add a little variety, but there are only four in total. These range from the Caterpillar s Game a rather dull Simon Says -type jaunt to the not much better smash- em-up Duchess game where Alice has to hurl food at the crazed croc kery. Marginally more entertaining is Alice s Game an avoid- em-up featuring our Al drinking potions and gathering keys. Once again, there could have been more inventiveness when it came to both the games and the presentation of the story. The illustrations are colourful and pleasant, but they re overshadowed by the text and just don t do anything exciting. A couple of short biogs of Carroll and Tenniel have been t hrown in, but these consist of a page of text with a badly digitised, sepia-toned photograph of each man destined to send any child straight to snooze city when a cartoon or puzzle piecing together their liv es would have been far more innovative. On the plus side, you can listen to the story being read aloud on any audio CD player. The box text capitalises on Alice s words at the beginning of the book, What is th e use of a book without pictures or conversation? But then what s the use of a CD-ROM without interactivity? If it weren t for the price, I d say get yourself the pop-up book and audio tape instead. Amaya Lop Alice s Adventures In Wonderland Special Requirements 386 PC (486 recommended); Windows 3.1; 4Mb RAM (8Mb recommended); 256 colour graphics; Windows-compatible soundcard; can be used on an audio CD player PSprice 19.99 (inc VAT) Contact Europress Software 01625 859444 Category Entertainment Platform MAC MPC CD-i 3DO 19.99G Europress Software 01625 859444H Young Children LiteratureJ tJR)J 1NsNsF1NR9 RJRJ29 QJQJQB F1F0JRF1F 1JQF1 JRF1F1 F1JRNrJRB NsJRR NsF1F1JRJRNsNsNR NsJQZ b,^-Ah f.f-9 ^brB- JMFM)G B+Fk-h jbjbnAZ VqF0B RrRrR 1NsJRZ V+VKZ NrJOc6 RPNOkx sNsJRB JpNpgU NRJ/V RqJPZ >'>'5 B)>H5 qJOF/9 QF0JQZ JLNnJmcO NqNqg7 qF0gW NsNr= rJPJQV sJQJQZ RPRpZq FONoFOJqV RB,FM9 pNP_4 F/N.b !Vnks MJMc4 QN/9i RmN-k NRRrV F0J0oY VNNnJM)I F1Ns= MJL_4 J0F1kY FQRqR F.RoFM$ RNso{ B.JPw F1F1Z JRJ/ox F0JRo{ NsNsR JPF-k7 PRrk9 F2NsV F.NoZ 0JRNsF1JR> .F+1h RpNoA N.RO-I B+F0V q(a=% FMNOgS NpB,Z NqRqb /VO^pY NoBK: 1F1JR{ JQNsc 0N.9i qR0N.5 QNQRO .RQRPR0N/A NoJo= VqbnNQ 1RPV-J/%) JONqZ F0F1NrB JQJQ1j N/ROZ VqNQV V.N/RP^ VPZp^pRPZqZqZpRP9 F/RoNqZ ZqRqNP= RPVqB NPNPJ0F0J/N0J/J0J J0RrJ J1NQNPJ0J1J0B JRNQN0RrF pRpsU PNpoU /JOov PRqoU f.bNj RrJ0RrZ RqNPNqNPJPN/A B&FhJh9 0Nrg8 1F1F1 NtJs=h ZgJ'B'F(R FHJhF'B')$ sNso{ RF1F1V RhRiV 2^roX BFLgr r^QfrI F1Nsg: N/NPZ NNsF0F1Ns= F1NsV 1NskZ JRNsNss F1NsB F1Rs{ LN/_4 QROJQ{ NONM5 F1JR= J0ZOVP^ ZoZpc JRF1F /VqNP9 mJ/Zqf VON.f 1JR)J VqZpf JRNQNP9 qN0R/^ fNbpV.N JRJs^ NsJRV ZOZOb JRJQ= sJ0J/RPA n^Ns6 VOR/b ROZpB ZqRO^ NSNsV VPVPk fqZNVNb VOV.^ VPZpc5 R.VOb qVPZq^q^ JPNqNq= JRNsB NsJRV RBVC5 JRNsJR^ MNLJJJiA 1NsF0w Q>+FIJ%> RJRkZ RJRkZ VlZ-V ^"NEZg^ JmB.J0Z NqRrF1^ JHJHNiRgR F$JD= RQN0R ROR.R RPVq^ ZNVpZ VrVPZOf VOR.VP^ J0B-9 fmb,^ /JRNQ{ pR.VOVpZ 1F1Ns= bpR/^ J0NQNrNRV F1F1V NsNsR NsNsR JRNsR NsNsV NsNsV NrNRR NsNr= NsNsV F1NsJRA 1F1J1F1B F0F1F1)J RF1JRc sF1-k JRJRF1R JRNs%) >Y>X:X>X>xBx 2.5R Under 20[ Under Alive I remember a sick joke that did the rounds 20 years ago, inspired by the plane crash in the Andes where survivors ate the flesh of the dead to stay alive. Apparently, Uruguayan air stewards began asking hungry Queen Story's Story-driven Story-line Story-telling Storybook Storybooks Storyland Storyline Storylines Storytelling Stowaway Strada Strafing Straford Straight Withdraw Within Without Wizard Wizard's Wizards Woefully Woken Wolfenstein Woman Relatively Relatives Relativity Relax Relaxed Relaxing Relayed Release Released Releases Reliable Reliant-hating Relic Speed Speedily Speeding Speeds Speedy Speigelman Speigelman's Spell Spellbinding Spelled Spelling Spellings Spells Spelt Spencer Spend Spending Spendsthrows Spinal Spine Purring Purse Pursued Pursuers Pursues Pursuing Pursuit Pursuits Purveyors Pushed Pushers Pushes Pushing Pussy Pussy-stroking rter-screen Quasi-girlfriend Cheshire Chess Chessmaster Chest Chestnut Chestnut's Chevalier Chevrolet Chevy Chewing Chiaroscuro Chicago Child's Child-infotainment Child-like Childcraft Childhood Childish Childlike Children Illustration Illustrations Illustrator Image Image-quality Imagery Images Immensely Immersed Immminent Immortal Immortalise Impact Impaired Impaled Impeccable Impending Imperial Detail ailing Details Detect Detection Detective Deteriorates Determination Determined Determinedly Deterred Detonators Detour Detract Detrimental Detroit Devastating Devastation Develop Developed fliers whether they would rather look at the menu or the passenger list. That kind of humour was perhaps the only way people could handle the enormity of what the 19 survivors had done to stay alive for 62 da ys before help arrived. Cannibalism is one of the last taboos, and would hardly seem an issue for mainstream Hollywood to tackle. With such scope for sensationalising and trivialising the subject, the makers o f Alive deserve credit for producing a film that tells the survivors story with dignity and understanding. Of course, many elements have been Hollywoodised: the accents are more UCLA than Uruguay, a couple of the survivors must have been a dentist and hair stylist, and the movie s slogan They survived the unimaginable by doing the unthinkable plumbs the marketing depths . But in the end the courage, ingenuity and raw-edged resilience of the survivors make this an inspiring movie. It doesn t shrink from showing the actual eating of the corpses, but then it doesn t linger lasciviously on the act of cannibalism either. Indeed, the meat becomes a side issue the real story is the brave quest by a trio of survivors to get help by walking out of the Andes and into Chile. The widescreen format of VideoCD (the first letterbox r elease since Ghost) is welcome and the Dolby soundtrack is excellent, but the video encoding is a letdown. There are no artefacts to speak of, but the image is so edged that at times it seems out of focu s. Still, it s never less than watchable and the quality of the movie provides plenty of mental, if not visual, inspiration. Mat Toor Alive Requires DV cart for CD-i; MPEG card for MPC/Mac Price 17.99 ContacJ t Philips Media 0171 911 3000 Director Frank Marshall Starring Ethan Hawke, Vincent Spano, Josh Hamilton Platform VideoCD Encoding Average 17.99 Philips Media 0171 911 3000H VideoCDI Digital MoviesJ 4R Under 20[ Under Alone in the Dark The definitive action and adventure game gets the 3DO treatment and still manages to reel in some scary shocks If you are an avid games player you will already have heard plenty about Alone In The Dark. 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Lovecraft. The original PC floppy disk version introduced us to the 3D animated polygons that made up Emi ly Hartwood and Edward Carnby, the two intrepid investigators of paranormal happenings, who form the game s central characters. The 3DO version is a faithful conversion based on the CD-ROM of the PC floppy vers ion and follows the plot of the original. Your friend or uncle Jeremy Hartwood, depending upon which character you choose to play, has apparently committed suicide in his creepy old mansion Derceto. Rumours ab ound of decidedly dodgy and devilish doings at the mansion and you decide to sniff around. When originally released it was the near definitive action/graphical adventure game of its time. And it still is, altho ugh there are a few minor niggles with this version. The one we tested was an NTSC disc and therefore occupied a smaller space on-screen; the PAL version, I am assured, will use the full screen. This version a lso seemed to run more slowly than the floppy-based title, causing the characters to look like they were running through treacle at times. The final complaint is the fact that using joypads for games like this is a pain when exact positioning of your character can make the difference between solving a puzzle and having to go back and load your saved game, which can be intensely frustrating. None of these factors seem s to affect my enjoyment of the game too much, though, and I still found myself being sucked into its nightmarish atmosphere, despite the fact that I spent days and nights playing the original and knew exactly what to expect. This is an excellent game on PC or 3DO and if you like puzzle-solving/adventure games, it s well worth buying. Duncan Swain Alone In The Dark Price 39.99 (3DO)/ 24.99 (MPC) Contact InfogrameK)s 0171 738 8199 Platform MAC MPC CD-i 3DO 39.99D 3DO price onlyG Infogrames 0171 738 8199H GamesJ 4.5R Under 40[ Under Alone in the Dark 2 H>i>f- '2(6)>J- *6'6)2&. %6%!h >g6F- 2(2). :F6H- >f:EF 6(6 % '>F>G- 6%6%!D 6L2*- 6&>i- oboZ-9H BlNkR,Q ^Nb/Y 6%:E6%% ^/bq^NQ .bo^oV O>N!' fobO^ 2.2,:,^ nhrh^(! KR*:KF rgnhrhV() +BI>&:IF bobof boboj BPFpJ ^obobojmf,Ei +61.s2s% NqB0F0FqJ fMbNZ Z.bo^NQ 0.Q2v BNBMFPFqN .R.Q.1% RGjhv NJBLF bo bObOM bjbiN >0*1.R2 L:M>.9 >M>Mf FlF+>oFnJ ZpbobNbofoZ-M R.R.R% 2Zq)I /bo^.^N^N E>F6%2 12s2R%I VpZ-V ^NZ-9H IBi6$) 2t.S.R.1% s.12r6t2S.1% '6%2$BfF 2&. - F-N)>H% f P&l LGP'P ^QZQR &6 BMR f TGl *Fk: BoFo Bh6F:L- 6%6$. 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